Monday, 25 July 2011

The New board

This board was shaped by Courtney Dalton and Painted by the hands of sister.
It surfs great especially on the nose.

Monday, 9 May 2011

may comp

Just a couple of more images from the may comp. These are of Oscar Lalor during the Open mens rounds.Infrared photos again.

May surfcoast longboarders club comp

Here are a few photos from the last comp.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

The Hot Rod Nats come to town.

This week end the surf was going off so much that I ended up getting no photos, because i was too busy surfing it. However I did go to the Geelong Show grounds for the 2011 Hotrod Nationals. AWSOME CARS! Here's some photos

Friday, 8 April 2011

"Possos Working Bee" with the "Surfcoast Longboard Diggers"

A few shots taken on saturday the 9th April. Cleaning up around Pt. Impossible.
There was a seat installed in memory of the late great Graham Brown over looking the Outer break.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Super full moon skate @ O/Grove

Went down to Ocean grove skate Park to take some pics with Timmy. Found Miles and a bunch of his mates down there getting into some bike action. Here's a couple of pics from the session ...more to come later.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The cool car

Saw this cool car for sale ...I want it as a beach cruizer...but....

Home longboard remake

This is an old longboard from about 1960 that had the nose snapped off. I was originally going to just reshape the nose but the Fibreglass delammed when I started  the repair. Hence, I ended up ripping off all the glass and starting fresh.
I ended up reshaping ALL the board (rails , deck and bottom, tail and nose) and added a little concave on the nose so I could nose ride it. It was never really meant for actually surfing as it is my first longboard.
Came out better than I had planned, so I took it out.
Surfs like a butchered pig!!!
Oh well better luck next time!!